2017年5月22日 星期一

My perspectives about Basic income

Today,I want to talk more about basic income.Although basic income does have positive influences on our life,there are still drawbacks of it. For one thing,it may cause unnecessary waste in the basic income system.For example,rich people don't need extra money but they can also get basic income.I am fear that the resources will be distributed unwisely.For another,some people will become lazier and lazier.They may stay at home all day and do meaningless things.If people do not make any efforts for our society,our society will become less productive.Furthermore,I consider it will cost a huge amount of money to pay for.The financial distribution must be addressed well.We should come up with an optimal way to give unconditional basic income to everyone. How would basic income affect people's life?I will express my own ideas in different parts.First,it will affect our ability to choose our jobs.For instance,we can evaluate more pros and cons when finding jobs.If you want to challenge ourselves,you can go to work in foreign country. In my opinion,I think basic income can motivate me to do what I want.I mean that I can find a job I like,and I can engage in other activities. Basic income gives us a chance to realize our dreams.At the same time,we can give feedback to society after we achieve our objectives.In addition to jobs,Basic income can affect the birth rate.If young people have more money,they may be willing to have children.In Taiwan,young man have a hard time finding jobs to support their life.Needless to say to own a child.In conclusion,basic income will improve our life quality.I expect we will live more happily in a basic income society.

2017年5月10日 星期三

Field trip to carp lake

Today,we had a field trip to carp lake.What a hot day!I thought I was almost melted because the sun was so hot.However,I had a good time walking around the carp lake.At the beginning,I was attracted by the peacocks.There were many male and female peacocks.Male peacocks' feathers were so beautiful that I couldn't help but to stare at them for a while.They were so cute as if they were showing off to us.
After we walked for twenty minutes,we climbed up stairs to see a figure of Guanyin. The figure was huge,but I felt the importance of her.Then,I walked onto a bridge to feed ducks and fish.They were so energetic that I thought they might jump out of the water. In the end,we took some pictures together and went back to school.In conclusion, I thought the carp lake was a tranquil place that I could admire the all scenery and I experienced the local custom.Plus,there were few garbages left on the ground.The people did a great job to maintain the neat of environment.Next time,I will invite my family to visit the appealing carp lake!