2016年12月4日 星期日

Severe Income Inequality and Human Rights

There has been a phenomenon that people do not have equal money in every countries.I mean that there is a problem called ''income inequality''.As money is the basic means by which people will pay for the resources necessary to live regarding their ''human rights''.Therefore,severe income inequality is the main factor of unfair human rights.The more money you have,the more human rights you have. It is a serious issue that we don't pay much attention before.Although some countries have enacted laws to maintain the lowest human rights,I consider it does not resolve the problem.Everyone has the right to maintain their daily necessities.Since the minority control the most of money,some people don't have enough money to live. How terrible!
In conclusion, we should try our best to solve the problem.As we all participate,we will be able to make a minor change.Income inequality and human rights are serious issue that we have to change it gradually.After we improve the money problem,our human rights will be raised.Since we endeavor to change,our life will be different.